Opening Hours - - Mon-Fri: 7:00am-5:30pm - - Sat-Sun: 8:30am-3:30pm

Rural Supplies from CRT

The majority of our rural supplies come from CRT. To learn more about CRT products, visit their website, or simply give us a call to chat about your needs. Please note that we don’t stock everything, but we can order in anything.

Stock Feed

We stock top quality feed for all the horses, sheep, cows and dogs on your farm.

Fencing & Gate Supplies

Small medium and large gates, fence posts of all shapes and sizes in both treated pine and galvanised steel. Jiostar posts and blue Waratah wire are our brands of choice.

Water & Irrigation Supplies

The owner of Hoogies, Peter England and the master of Rural Supplies Rose can help you with all your water pumps, sprinklers and irrigation needs

Fertilizers, Fungacides, Pesticides and Seeds

We can plan out a spraying regime for your crops or vineyard to ensure the control of your downy mildew and other pests and diseases that prevent you from optimal yields

Outdoor Power Equipment

Our resident Daniel England is one of the most trained and experienced small motor mechanics in Australia. He can tune your generator like Jimmi Hendrix tuned his guitars 

Agronomy Services

The owner of Hoogies, Peter England and the master of Rural Supplies Rose can help you with soil testing and planing out your seed and fertilizer regimes

Horse Health and Worm Testing Services

Keep your warmbloods in tiptop shape and have them professionally tested. We perform various fecal matter tests to indicate deficiencies or parasites that may be inhibiting their performance

Viticulture Spray Advice

Speak to the experts Peter and ~Rose about your vineyard health and they will help you plan out a yearly spraying calendar to control common fungus diseases and pests

Need advice?

Not sure what you need or if we stock it? likely we can help you choose the right product and order it in if needed.

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